British Racing’s Community Directory is 1!
Racing Together’s ground-breaking Directory of Community Engagement and Education Activity has turned one!
The Directory launched a year ago to highlight British horseracing’s commitment to helping communities improve their health, wellbeing and education, including bringing them closer to horses. The video below is our way of highlighting and showcasing this milestone.
The Directory is a free resource for all and has developed over the last year – growing from 97 organisations at launch to now represent the activity of over 140 organisations, mapping charitable and community activity that takes place right across the industry.
A collaboration between Racing Together, Godolphin and The Racing Foundation, the Directory is a contributor to the sport’s Covid-19 recovery plan, helping racing to reconnect with its communities. A recent example of this is the Racecourse Association’s Racecourses Together event, an opportunity to reflect back and celebrate how racecourse teams went above-and-beyond in their support of their local communities during the pandemic.
We need you! Keep your listing up-to-date
In order for the Directory to continue to provide racing with a hub for all community and education activity, we need your help to keep profiles up-to-date, specifically documenting your Covid-19 community initiatives and beyond.
To do this: Log in here
To create a new profile or for help logging in to your existing listing please email lucy@racingtogether.co.uk.
John Blake CEO of Racing Together and Racing to School said: “The Directory is an important asset for the sport and its growth reflects the wide variety of community engagement taking place at local and national level, and across many themes and activities.
“The organisations that have registered should be proud to reflect on the past year when racing, rather than look inward to its own mounting challenges, opened up its assets and shared its resources. The sport joined and instigated many initiatives that can continue to define its approach and social impact.
“Racing Together continues to showcase and represent British racing’s work in this area; our latest webinar series is designed to start and accelerate conversations on some key community engagement and education topics. Thursday’s webinar titled: ‘The power of sport to help people: what did we learn from racing’s response to Covid-19 in support of communities?’ will examine how racing can reconnect with its communities post-covid and learn from examples from across sport.”