Quick thinking by Newcastle team provides early Christmas gift for homeless centre
Newcastle’s abandoned race meeting on December 14th led to an unexpected delivery of 200 fresh sandwiches, rolls and wraps to The Peoples Kitchen in Newcastle.
The centre supports homeless and disadvantaged people in the community and this is its first link with the racecourse.
David Williamson, the tracks’ Executive Director said: “We were delighted to support The Peoples Kitchen in Newcastle by providing the raceday sandwiches to assist with their fantastic efforts. We managed to turn a positive out of today’s unfortunate abandonment, which occurred very late on this occasion, after raceday food orders had been made. Put in the position again, this is an initiative we would most certainly continue with.”
The Peoples Kitchen was established in 1985 and provides 40,000 meals a year and reaches over 800 people each week. The centre is supported by 200 volunteers that give up a total of 35,000 hours of their time each year. The Peoples Kitchen also offers clothing, bedding and a wide range of health and wellbeing services through its partnerships across the City.