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02 March 2021

Racing celebrates National Careers Week

The racing industry is celebrating National Careers Week by showcasing the diverse roles available across the sport.

Find out more through the different activities taking place below: 

Empowering Positive Change with Racing Welfare’s CATS service

‘The ethos for the week is ‘Empowering Positive Change through Careers Education’ which fits perfectly with the CATS service. CATS has an exciting week of webinars, Instagram lives and a bonus episode of the Racing Welfare podcast, ‘On Track, Off Course,’ being released. The podcast, featuring Luke Harvey, will focus on careers, while webinars with career coach Zoe Hendricks aim to give detail on the benefits of careers coaching and developing yourself. 

Grounds Week via the Racecourse Association

As well as being National Careers Week, it is also ‘Grounds Week,’ launched by the Grounds Management Association. The RCA is marking this with The GoingThis compiles a series of interviews with racecourse groundsmen, which will be released throughout the week. The Going will aim to explore groundsmanship from different perspectives and examine how people got into the profession, their aspirations and proudest moments. 

Careers in Racing a proud partner

Careers in Racing continue to be a supporting partner of National Careers Week. They have a full programme in place this week aiming to help individuals make the right career choices in the racing industry, including ‘Meet the Students’, a brand new TV advert and racing vloggers talking about the sport.

To find out more about what they have lined up visit National Careers Week website.

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