Take The Reins
Take The Reins Youth & Community Ltd
Take The Reins
Take the Reins delivers a range of programmes that provide young people who would not normally engage with the racing industry with experiences, inspiration and pathways to become involved at every level. Our work is mapped against key priorities that emerged during our pilot programme, namely to: – Engage young people and diverse communities (especially those from disadvantaged and BAME communities) with the sport of horse racing, broadening the appeal and reach of the sport into non-traditional racing communities. – Deliver experiences for young people to recognise the opportunities available within the racing industry in all career pathways, and to see racing as an exciting sporting industry to be employed in. – Deliver employability programmes and skills training to enable young people to undertake careers in racing and to build transferable skills that will support their progression and employability. – To work with stakeholders to shine a light on the cultural, social and economic contribution of the sport of racing nationally and globally. – To create sustainable programmes that will enhance and grow the contribution of racing to supporting young people into education training and employment.