Diversity in Racing #ALLINTHERACE

Last Tuesday, the Racing to School and Racing Together team joined around 50 other industry colleagues at the British Racing School (BRS) in Newmarket to attend British Racing’s inaugural Diversity and Inclusion Symposium.
The day was led by...

Education & Resources

Industry Commitment


Once imposter syndrome was firmly in its place, Cassandra Aina threw herself into the unknown…
I had no prior knowledge of horseracing before joining the Development Programme. To be completely honest, I had no idea Newmarket existed. As a result, when I was first offered a place on the programme, I was perplexed and pondered for weeks whether...

Racing With Pride

Inclusion Projects
What is Diversity in Racing and why is it important?
Welcome to the communications hub for Diversity in Racing, in conjunction with the Diversity in Racing Advisory Group, Racing Together and the sport of horseracing.
Our vision is for racing to be a diverse and inclusive sport in which everyone has the opportunity to achieve their potential and where fans from all communities feel welcome.
Because it’s better when we are #ALLINTHERACE.