Racing With Pride
British racing’s official LGBT+ network
Racing With Pride is British racing’s official LGBT+ network which offers a community for people to find support and camaraderie, as well as influence social change and promote a diverse and inclusive industry.
How to get in touch
Making a difference
Racing With Pride was formed as a result of academic work demonstrating the need for more proactive efforts around LGBT+ inclusion within racing and includes a support network for the community and allies as well as a working group which is responsible for wider LGBT+ activity across the sport. The group has been delighted by how racing’s organisations have responded to this work so far and the willingness to engage with Racing With Pride, reflecting our desire for a sport which is welcoming to all.
We have seen huge interest in the LGBT+ e-learning module created for Racing2Learn, as well as activation at key points in the calendar such as during Pride month in June and through the Racing is Everyone’s Sport campaign in December. Enormous thanks to all those who have already engaged with us in various ways, your support is hugely appreciated and has made a real difference to Racing With Pride members.
“It was truly a pleasure to represent Racing With Pride, I had to hold back a tear at points thinking of the progress which has been made. I never thought I’d see a Pride flag on a racecourse or the kind of support we’ve seen today. I now feel able to enjoy myself without fear or anxiety. Racing With Pride has done that for me!”
RWP Member
We have also:
- Facilitated trans awareness and inclusion workshops
- Created a set of bespoke racing silks, designed by Racing With Pride members
- Assisted British racing’s only out gay jockey, Jack Duern, through a sponsorship agreement
- Developed resources to further LGBT+ awareness and understanding across the sport.
Alongside these specific activities, we have continued to support racing’s LGBT+ community in a variety of ways: offering advice, signposting to services, and through online and in-person meet-ups, as well as highlighting the community’s rich and diverse stories throughout racing. The group’s visibility has expanded globally with both racing professionals and fans from other jurisdictions reaching out to recognise the work being undertaken. We have also been able to share these fantastic stories through our e-newsletter, which you can sign up to using the link below.
“The network members have reached out to support me and this has helped me to grow my confidence, which is something I was really struggling with beforehand. This is why Racing With Pride is so important to me – it has made me feel safe and included in the sport I love.”
RWP Member
Racing With Pride announced its first sponsorship of the sport’s only openly gay jockey Jack Duern in October 2021 to coincide with National Coming Out Day, an annual LGBT+ awareness campaign. Read in full on the Racing Post website here.
Looking ahead
In 2024 we aim to build on the foundations we have established by raising awareness of our work within British racing and ensuring that those who would like to engage further with the LGBT+ community feel both confident and supported to do so.
Racing With Pride will be using the theme of community in our celebrations this year, looking at how we can support racing’s existing LGBT+ community as well as reaching out beyond the sport’s current boundaries to engage with new audiences. During Pride Month in June we circulate key messaging and assets as well as highlighting activity throughout the month. We would love to hear from you to see how we can help, so please reach out to discuss what might be possible.
In the meantime, you can revisit our Preparing for Pride webinar as a reminder.
Get in touch
Finally, if you have someone in your organisation who is responsible for equality, diversity, and inclusion, or more specifically for the LGBT+ agenda, please do encourage them to get in touch with the Racing With Pride team. We are keen to ensure an open dialogue with individuals and organisations within British racing all year round; we hope that by sharing activity and best practice we can support one another in a coordinated approach for the benefit of everyone in the sport.
Racing With Pride Contact Information
- Email:
- Twitter: @RacingWithPride
- Facebook: search ‘Racing With Pride’
- E-newsletter sign-up here
Racing With Pride Committee Members
- Rose Grissell
- David Letts – Chair: email David
- Di Farrell-Thomas
- Leigh Armstrong
- Lee Mottershead
- Amy Bannister-Bell
- Eloise Brownless

Latest Racing With Pride News
- York Racecourse celebrates Pride month with Racing with Pride
- Bookings open for Racing With Pride’s LGBT+ Education Event on Friday, 23rd June at the National Horse Racing Museum Newmarket.
- British racing’s 2022 Diversity and Inclusion Update
- Racing is Everyone’s Sport campaign relaunches at British racecourses